Thursday, June 6, 2013

Blow off

Serena lets go out on Thursday okay?? Yeah sure.. Serena runs home happy about finally getting to be able to get to hang out with her best friend.. Wednesday afternoon Serena's brother asked her if she wanted to go to the zoo I can't I am going to hang out with my best friend... okay well I can be your back up plan. Serena thought that their is now way her friend would do that until Thursday morning when Serena texted her friend she said it was her moms birthday and they where going out Serena kept smiling and typed it okay no problem but really she was really sad. Later Serena and her brother and his wife went to the zoo and had some fun and saw lots of animals and went to the butterfly museum. when Serena came home she apologized to her boyfriend about her behavior and then they continually talked happy and then again again her boyfriend told her lets video chat so that we can do that. Once Serena tried to but their was so much interruptions and then their was her boyfriend who told her to do something that she didn't want to do so she lost interest in chatting she asked if he was angry and he replied "no" Serena's chatting device had then ran out of batteries. Then after that she tried texting him and all the messaging required on certain apps they used but still no reply he had fallen a sleep again without keeping the promise. This time Serena was so sad she wanted to cry and she hated this day because even her boyfriend blew her off... 

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Chapter one Engagement

Hey Serena you need your reception room booked right?
Yes Shinra I need it to be booked. Suddenly I let out a big sigh. Whats wrong? Shinra looked at Serena worried. Well Im just nervous to get married planning this wedding is very intimidating.. Shinra
Shinra nodded in a understanding manner well you are marrying a very great guy so I guess this type of thing would be intimidating.. Serena objected fast no its not him I guess you can say its me that I am not proud of some things. Like getting into fights all the time and also relying on Andrew all the time in my life. Shinra looked at me silently then finally opened her mouth too respond... Well he is your husband he is suppose to help you right? Serena looked down in trying to understand what Shinra was saying to her I guess you are right but I feel like I am not helping him enough and I am kinda scared to marry him because of the fact that living with someone is a whole different ball game from you know actually just hanging out and telling each other you love one another. Even to the point when we where dating and just you know talking I felt like I was not helping him enough and every time he would talk to me he would be just be more than enough to help me with my situations.

Shinra looked at me and tried to listen and understand what I was saying she looked at me with a very serious expression Serena you may not know it but Andrew is very thankful for lots of things you need not doubt him when he says he loves you.. If he really didn't he wouldn't tell you other wise. When he says to trust him that he isn't cheating well he just isn't you know you need to give him a benefit of a doubt until proven other wise. I know their are times when he can be a little much of a hot head, over confident, narcissistic, Lustful weird ass guy but he has good points like being selfless, over protective loving type person.... But I can assure you when he wants to look for someone he has a very high type taste and girl you are the one he even said that you can satisfy him. So please believe in yourself if you can't do that at least believe in the guy whom believes in you.

Serena looked at Shinra and started laughing and then her facial expression grew confident thank you Shinra you really cheered me up. Even the little things such as to set this wedding up is such a big headache I hope everything goes well. Shinra finally giggled well with Andrew helping at the sidelines I am sure you will be fine Serena.

Serena looked at the books on the bookshelf and zoned out and nodded in agreement that she had hoped that the engagement preparations would go according to plan.

(to be continued)

Sunday, April 21, 2013

kishi baiogurafi-

About Andrew... 

I can tell you lots of things about him and of what makes him special to me 
but that really wouldn't be a biography would it now? Let go back to December 30, 1994 was born and man must I say he must of been a really adorable baby although I do not have much of a great Idea on how his child hood is I just wanted to at least write some sort of book about him. Andrew has a lot of things he loves but his astounding dedication towards his friends is so amazing it even amazes me at times their could be a whole bunch of friends that he has but he could give them all advice and go to any lengths to hurt anyone who has hurt someone he loves or had love.